Meet man, whose father was farmer, mother ran Anganwadi centre, built Rs 973 crore business, he is from…


Meet man, whose father was farmer, mother ran Anganwadi centre, built Rs 973 crore business, he is from…

2635366 jamui ravi

Ravi Kumar also took part in US’ Operation Enduring Freedom, which sent him to Afghanistan. He then resigned in 2009.

There is no shortcut to success and only hard work and diligence can help one become successful. Such is the success story of a young man from Jamui who has exemplified this by building a Rs 973 crore business from scratch. Ravi Ranjan Kumar from Bihar’s Jamui district is the son of a farmer. His mother ran an Anganwadi centre in the village, where he studied.

For higher education, Ravi went to Delhi and, after completing his studies, went to New York on a scholarship to study marketing. After completing his studies in New York, he had to do various odd jobs as he couldn’t land a job

Ravi Kumar also took part in US’ Operation Enduring Freedom, which sent him to Afghanistan. He then resigned in 2009.

Life took an unexpected but pleasant turn when Ravi started trading in 2013  and since then, he has never looked back.

In just 10 years, he built a business empire worth Rs 973 crore. Last year, Ravi Kumar’s name was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the most accurate traders. Ravi has travelled to more than 56 countries and has become a source of inspiration for young people. 

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