Man’s Viral Post About Gender Bias At Work Sparks Outrage Online


Man’s Viral Post About Gender Bias At Work Sparks Outrage Online

A Reddit user recently sparked a debate on workplace gender dynamics after expressing frustration over what he sees as unequal treatment between men and women at his office. In a post titled “I feel like my workplace is triggering my misogyny,” the man described himself as a “fairly feminist person” until recent experiences at his workplace led him to feel otherwise.

“I am a 24 year old male. I am fairly feminist person (up until now). But ever since I have stepped into workplace, I can see the difference in how men and women are treated,” he wrote in his post.

He shared several instances where he felt women received preferential treatment at his workplace, such as facing lighter consequences for mistakes and having shorter working hours.

Sharing examples in his post, he noted, “Women getting easy rap on the knuckles for the same mistakes that can cause huge issues for men. Women doing exactly 9-5 whereas men are expected to pull 14-15 hour workdays without any extra compensation. ‘Seniors’ and bosses taking extra time to teach them and educate them about stuff, but men are expected to learn by themselves. After all of these promotion times women are considered.” 

Here’s The Post

I feel like my workplace is triggering my misogyny
byu/sneham-alle-ellam inIndianWorkplace

He ended his post by stating that he doesn’t “hate women, nor am I the type to blame women for my own failures.”

He added, “This issue has even been acknowledged by women I know. It’s almost assumed that a good-looking woman will get promoted without any skills. It’s a bit sad, really—either you have to be the best and dedicate your entire life, or you get sidelined forever.”

The comments section of the post saw a debate, with social media users discussing there different viewpoints. “You should hate your workplace, not the women. Hate your bosses who are exploiting men. Not the women. It’s as simple as that,” one of the internet users wrote in the comment section.

Another user added, “This is fault of your male leadership . I doubt there are senior women who are promoting based on looks. Everything you mentioned is a result of male behaviour.”

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