‘Connections’ March 13: Hints and Answers for Puzzle #641


‘Connections’ March 13: Hints and Answers for Puzzle #641

If today’s Connections has left you scratching your head, have no fear; Newsweek has gathered hints to help you win.

The hit brainteaser was launched by The New York Times in 2023 on the heels of Wordle, the newspaper’s most-popular word game, released to the public in October 2021.

Wyna Liu—Connections developer and puzzle editor at the NYTspoke with Newsweek about its popularity.

“The response has been really incredible and overwhelming, and unexpected,” she shared in June. “It’s exciting that something I care very deeply about is resonating with people.”

Keep scrolling for Newsweek‘s top tips to solve #641. The answers to the puzzle will also be revealed at the bottom of the page.

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Stock image: A cozy couple embrace while looking at a cellphone on a couch at home.

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How To Play ‘Connections’

To beat the game, players must successfully separate 16 words into four groups based on a common thread. The categories are color-coded for difficulty, and from easiest to most difficult, they are: yellow, green, blue and purple.

For example, in Wednesday’s game, the terms “cardinal,” “Elmo,” “ketchup” and “rose” were associated with: “Things that are red.” This was a green category.

The blue category, meanwhile, was titled, “Words said to have no exact rhymes,” and the words linked to it were “month,” “orange,” “purple” and “silver.”

Fortunately, there is no time limit to the game. However, players get only four guesses before the answers will be revealed.

If you are particularly stuck, clicking the “Shuffle” button rearranges the words, which may be all you need to conquer the puzzle.

During her chat with Newsweek, Liu advised readers to “wait as long as you can before guessing” and encouraged users not to “rage-solve.”

‘Connections’ #641 Hints and Clues for Thursday, March 13

Below are Newsweek‘s clues to help you with Thursday’s game:

Yellow: Tendency to favor something

Green: Ways to get a cab

Blue: Relating to Texas Hold ‘Em

Purple: Words found in Shakespeare’s literature

‘Connections’ #641 Answers for Thursday, March 13

Yellow Category: PARTIALITY

Yellow Words: Angle, Bias, Slant, Spin

Green Category: SIGNAL DOWN, AS A TAXI

Green Words: Flag, Hail, Wave, Whistle


Blue Words: Flop, Hole, River, Turn


Purple Words: Anon, Art, Thou, Wilt

Excellent work if you beat today’s Connections game! Good try, though, if you didn’t get it this time around. You will get another chance on Friday when a new game will be available for you to play.

Connections is released at midnight in your local time zone, so be sure to check back with Newsweek daily for more hints, clues and answers.

In the meantime, why not test your brain with these other popular word-based games, like Typochondria and Spellspire.

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